Linux Network File System NFS interview questions

Linux Network File System NFS interview questions

Por Taciara Furtado

linux networking interview questions
linux networking interview questions

We can use “nc” here and to transfer the logs runtime to a different node in the network which has more space. Q. By default when I create a user I see that the default shell assigned is /bin/bash and the default home directory which is assigned is under /home. A decoder is a program, circuit or a device that converts the encoded data into its actual format. An encoder is a program, circuit or a device that converts data from one format to another. Until its network layer passes in the next data packet. Then, the ACK is attached to the outgoing data frame.

linux networking interview questions

Use the ps –e command to show the number of running threads. The Linux shell is software that serves as a user interface between the user and the kernel. By writing programs, instructions, and scripts on the shell, users may execute instructions and communicate with the kernel. The Linux shell is software that allows users to run commands.

An anonymous FTP is a way of allowing a user to access data that is public. The user does not need to identify himself to the server and has to log in as anonymous. Routers can either be stand-alone devices or virtual. Stand-alone routers are traditional devices where as virtual routers are actually softwares that act like physical ones. A router is some device that transfers the data packets within a network. It basically performs the traffic directing functions within a network.

Explain File Permissions types in Linux?

The Domain Name System is the second type supporting program that is used by other programs such as to find the IP address of an e-mail recipient. POP is responsible for accessing the mail service on a client machine. POP3 works on two models such as Delete mode and Keep mode.

  • For example, the absolute path to the “/etc/passwd” file is “/etc/passwd”.
  • The Nagios is an open-source monitoring tool/application that helps identify and resolve infrastructure/network problems.
  • The user cannot access the shell, and it rejects shell login on the server as in Telnet.
  • If a process becomes unresponsive and you wish to kill that process.

RSA is a cryptosystem used to secure data transmission named after Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman. This algorithm has a public key for encryption while the decryption key is kept secure or private. The encryption key is created using two large prime numbers and is published along with an auxiliary value. Anybody can make use of this public key for encryption but only someone with the knowledge of the prime numbers can decrypt it. However, this algorithm is considered to be slow and for the same reason, it is not used very often to encrypt data.

Swap space is a certain amount of space used by Linux to temporarily hold some programs that are running concurrently. This happens when RAM does not have enough memory to hold all programs that are executing. The main aim of the Modem is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the digital data in its original form. Modems are also used for transmitting analog signals, from Light Emitting Diodes to radio. Analog signal is a continuous signal in which one time-varying quantity represents another time-based variable.

The default journal size takes almost a second to recover, depending on the speed of the hardware. We can convert a Linux PC into a router so that it can act as an IP gateway for a network. By default, the main system log is /var/log/messages. This file contains all messages and scripts written by a user. This is the standard system log file, which contains messages from all system software, non-kernel boot issues, and messages that go to dmesg. The dmesg file is a system file that is written upon the system boot.

What is the use of /etc/hosts file?

You can assign restrictions to computers, such as what resources it is allowed access or what particular time of the day, they can browse the Internet. You can even put restrictions on what websites are not viewable across the entire network. This layer provides the protocols and means for two devices on the network to communicate with each other by holding a session.

Therefore, it is more robust as a failure in one cable will only disconnect a specific computer connected to this cable. You can use “User” and “Group” argument in your systemd unit file with the respective user which must be used to execute the service. This level provides data redundancy but no striping. There are many ways to check your system information in Linux.

linux networking interview questions

By using a Virtual Private Network , users can connect to the organization’s network. Corporate companies, educational institutions, government offices. Rights refer to the authorized permission to perform specific actions on the network. Each user on the network can be assigned individual rights, depending on what must be allowed for that user.

Command grouping can be applied in LINUX by placing parenthesis to the group commands. The Redirection in LINUX is the process that directs the data from one output to another. It can be used as a direct input to another process to get the desired output. This command is used for printing the working directory.

What is df -h command?

The lsmod command will show you the status of modules that are loaded into the Linux kernel hence this is a nice way to see /proc/modules. RAID 3 is seldom used except in the most specialized database or processing environments, which can benefit from it. RAID 10 can be implemented as hardware or software, but the general consensus is that many of the performance advantages are lost when you use software RAID 10. The RAID level gives the best performance, but it is also costly, requiring twice as many disks as other RAID levels for a minimum of four. This RAID level provides better performance than mirroring as well as fault tolerance.

Others, such as the /proc/filesystems file and the /proc/sys/ directory, provide system configuration information and interfaces. You may be asked one or more command based interview questions in the linux interview. You should prepare yourself with as many commands as you can. Here we have a comprehensive list of Linux interview questions and answers that are useful for admin level. So, here are few Linux questions that can help you with the Linux interview preparation.

How many layers are in OSI reference model?

The account will have no password and will not be able to login. You will be prompted for the password of the root account. Once you enter the correct password, you will be logged in as the root user. A user-space application is any program that runs outside of the kernel. This includes all of the standard applications that you would use on a daily basis, such as a web browser or database. Network File System is one of the oldest computer file sharing products in existence today.

Broadcast or mode 3 –This mode sets a broadcast mode to provide fault tolerance, and it should be used for particular purposes. In this type of network bonding, all transmissions are sent to all slave interfaces. This process provides user quota information for remote users.

A large percentage of a network is made up of hardware. Problems in these areas can range from malfunctioning hard drives, broken NICs, and even hardware startups. Incorrect hardware configuration is also one of those culprits to look into. Multicast routing is a targeted form of broadcasting linux networking interview questions that sends a message to a selected group of the user instead of sending it to all users on a subnet. CSMA/CD, or Collision Detect, retransmits data frames whenever a collision occurred. CSMA/CA, or Collision Avoidance, will first broadcast intent to send prior to data transmission.

Very informative interview questions for network engineer. It is basically a routing protocol that is used to find the best path for packets that are being transmitted over interconnected networks. A Network Operating System is an Operating System that is designed to support workstations, databases, personal computers, etc over a network.

You can plug in their removable hard drives or flash drives. Clustering support refers to the ability of a network operating system to connect multiple servers in a fault-tolerant group. The main purpose of this is the if one server fails, all processing will continue with the next server in the cluster. DHCP is short for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

This allows the system to free up some physical memory for other uses. I hope this article with Linux interview questions and answers was useful, please let me know your feedback using the comment box below. To check if bonding is enabled, check if the /etc/modprobe. Conf has the bonding module loaded in it and then see if the ifcfg-bondZ, ifcfg-ethX and ifcfg-ethY etc. have the correct entries. To check if the bonding is working fine, check /var/log/messages. I.e. assuming the name of your bond interface is bond0.

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